Our Third Year
Our Third Year, 2023 - 2024
(Liam ~ 11, Ada ~ 8, Imelda ~ 1)
Merry Christmas 2023
A month before we celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary and began our 3rd year of marriage, we found out that we are expecting a baby! Baby Boy Buchanan is expected to debut in March 2024. Thankfully, the pregnancy has been easy on Annmarie.
We began our second year of homeschooling with Regina Caeli Academy. Liam is in 6th grade and Ada is in 3rd. Both are doing well academically! Ada especially has a great tutor and a larger class (with more girls than last year)! She likes coloring, learning about space, basketball and gymnastics. Ada is imaginative, witty, and a helpful big sister! Imelda keeps us all on our toes while studying, as she plays and sings, and climbs and colors!
Beginning in January 2024, Liam will return to Saint Ignatius Martyr Catholic School. We are looking forward to the larger class for him, male teachers, elective classes (perhaps Programming, Robotics, or Drama)! Liam likes basketball, is getting more interested in Pokemon cards, and began Brazilian Jiu Jitsu recently!
Nicholas continues to work as a Telephony Architect. His other interest is roasting specialty grade coffee. Check out www.pepperboxcoffee.com for what he has been doing. The smells filter through the house when he roasts and they are amazing! The tastes are fantastic! We hope to develop the business in the coming years!
Fun Times
"Hat's Off"
"King Wenscelsaus"
The children participated in a homeschool choir and performed at Univ. of Texas for their Christmas Concert
Texas Rangers Game, August
Corpus Christi, August
Dad's Birthday, September
Learning to color!