God's Story for Us

Annmarie's Story

My journey for the past five years in a tangible way has been on a path of new beginnings and attempting to say, "Fiat!" at every turn. Discerning out of a religious community, becoming certified as a sign language interpreter, sometimes living in three cities every week, starting and leaving jobs... and in the midst asking the Most Beloved Sacred Heart of Jesus to show me His will. 

Then I met, Nicholas! 

The peace, the joy, the ways he helps me become a better person. Prayer. Desire. Facebook. Google Duo. Visits. Patience. A proposal. A move across the country. More prayer. Trials. Patience. Forgiveness. Love.

I am grateful to God for His mercy, for His patience, for the Virgin Mother of God and the Virgin Foster Father Saint Joseph who have helped us along our pilgrimage. 

Nicholas' Story

After and in the midst of the messiness of my family situation, when I saw Annmarie on a video that she posted while working in Deaf Ministry - I knew!

Skip forward a few months... "Well, let's become friends!" 

What?! This amazing beautiful woman in Michigan wants to get to know me! Meeting for the first time at Domus Trinitatis, Iowa, was a slice of paradise!

Long-distance is hard. Adjusting to a relationship in the same city has it's own challenges. And every challenge has helped us grow closer to each other and trust in God more.

The first book we discussed was "Consecration to Saint Joseph" and I proposed at the Shrine of Saint Joseph in Detroit, Michigan. Thank you, Terror of Demons, for praying for us. Help us become a holy family!

We met for the first time in-person at a Catholic Center of Renewal. (Yea, who does that?!)

Domus Trinitatis, Feast of the Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth, May 2020

In the wee hours of Christmas morn, Nicholas proposed! (2 AM after Mass!)

Saint Joseph Shrine, Detroit, Michigan, December 2020

We are expecting a baby!

Planning a debut in June 2022

We are expecting a Baby Boy!

Planning a debut in March 2024